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Intuitive Living by Ayako Miki


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Lifestyle expert, yogi, healer, creator of the interview series A Sustainable World, and founder of Intuitive Living as well as Intuitive Yoga.

Ayako Miki is a yogi and healer who wishes to inspire others to live more fulfilling and healthy lives without compromising with joy and pleasure. She´s working to spread awareness regarding health, sustainability and life in general on an international level, and Ayako's awareness has been called "a tremendous asset."


Intuition and relativity are important keys in her work. For as Einstein said; "It is not intellect but intuition which advances humanity." With the help of our intuition we are more able to understand relativity. A matter of a flexible perspective that enables us to grasp both the individual and the ever changing world we live in. We need to maintain a focus both on important details as well as the interconnected wholeness, without losing the big perspective. We need to find bridges that unite our society and ask ourselves how we can cooperate in order to create a better world.

Ayako Miki - Founder of Intuitive Living

Step by step we can change the world. It's not about being perfect, but doing the best you can based on the individual you are, as well as the opportunities you have. Together we form the diversity required to create a fantastic world where peace, health, good growth and love prevail. This is already a reality, but a reality that needs to be spread and taken care of. It´s a matter of learning to distance ourselves from everything that isn´t good. For to know the difference between good and evil, as well as preventing what doesn´t serve nature and human kind to grow and thrive, is essential.


Evilness can never be transformed into love. However, we can choose to allow it or not. Where there is no space for evilness to grow, it won´t grow. This is a matter of caring for your fellow human beings.


Ayako was born in Örebro, but as a 19-year-old she moved to Stockholm (three years later Copenhagen), to study classical music. She was at the beginning of a career that classical pianist, as well as model/actress, when she decided to move back to Sweden again. After that, an interest in health and lifestyle developed, leading to the lifestyle concept Intuitive Living conscious lifestyle for health & happiness, as well as her blog where she during five years shared her knowledge regarding diet & health, sustainability, growth, yoga and everything concerning her lifestyle, as well as her specially developed recipes that are both healthy and tasty, whether it concerns dishes or baked goods. However, the old blog no longer exist and this new website is more focused on Ayako´s work for health, sustainability and awareness, whereas the new blog will act more as a teaser with a selection of articles and healthy recipes. Enjoy life without jeopardizing your health with Intuitive Living!

Ayako would like to point out that recipes and articles on a blog have just as much value as recipes and articles published in magazines and books for sale.


With her own photography, Ayako presents her work, and in 2016 her food photography was published in the book 'International Contemporary Artists Vol XI'. Available here.


Ayako´s unique anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle concept helpt her to heal constantly watering eyes when outdoors, eczema and severe pollen allergy, and she´s now completely free from all medication. Something she also writes about in her e-book Anti-inflammatory & healing foods. (Only available in Swedish).

Ayako´s unique yoga practice Intuitive Yoga was born in 2021. With a holistic focus, it includes both the physical - and spiritual (human) being. The same year she also created the international interview series A Sustainable World where she interviews some of the most knowledgeable experts in the world who in different ways are working for a sustainable world. This interview series includes three completely unique and very profound interviews that by 2022 reached the whole world - all continents and 56 countries in total.​


Ayako has also been described as "a true clean-living person." Possibly a result of her aim to live by the principle "clean without and clean within", which of course is including both human kind and nature.


Love is the key to a sustainable, healthy and happy life.


However, to let love lead rather than creating an idea of what love is, is not always an easy task. Love is as brutally honest like Mother Nature. Love has no insta-filter. It will show you everything just as it is. (Therefore, love can be difficult to face). Love is like the rays of the sun; life-giving for those who handle it with respect and care, but burning hot if faced negligently without the ability to meet yourself, or respect yourself. Love is not found in your head. It´s found in your heart and speaks through your intuition.

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Quotes about
Intuitive Living by Ayako Miki

"Sometimes, Ayako, your intuitive insights have the accuracy of a laser scope."~ Mark Thompson


"You bring light with your views and life perspective. A rare thing." ~ Philip (life coach)


"Ayako... You are such a wonderful person that words fail to describe you. Your words are like magic." ~ Dr. Urmee Jahan


"You are Einstein in words!" ~ A. s. Angelo (illustrator & performing artist)


"Very thought-provoking."~ Gemma Evans (founder of healthHackers)


"You are a deep thinking person and an independent thinker. There are not many people like that in the world, so it is up to people like you to wake other people up." ~ Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (founder of GAPS)


"A rarity that few will meet in a life time... It's your writing and playing that made me feel so real that I felt unreal."~ Anonymous


"Your way of being is inspiring to me. Lucky are those who get to absorb your spirit." ~ Patrick Combs (motivational speaker & bestselling author)


"It is so nice to be enlightened with your presence." ~ Nati


"Your healing makes wonders!"~ Gunilla


"The first thing to notice is that you have an amazing brain and are a genius at heart..."~ Anonymous


"In the garden, you are the most beautiful flower." ~ Vivian Van

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