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Me First

I, and only I have the responsibility for my life.

Therefore, I choose myself first.


When I choose to be my first priority I respect the life that was given to me.

Therefore, I choose myself first.


When I take care of myself first I show gratitude for what I am.

Therefore, I choose myself first.


When I care for myself first I make sure to never get drained.

Therefore, I choose myself first.


When I feed myself first I do not take myself for granted.

Therefore, I choose to feed myself first.


When I give myself first I do not expect others to take responsibility for me.

Therefore, I choose to give myself first.


When I give myself first what I give to others will be so much better.

Therefore, I choose to give myself first.


When I love myself first I do not expect others to do so for me.

Therefore, I choose to love myself first.


When I am balanced because I do not give what I haven´t got, my life is balanced too.

Therefore, I choose myself first.


When my life is balanced I add harmony to this world.

Therefore, I choose myself first.


When we all are more balanced so is our world.

Therefore, I choose myself first.


When I choose myself first I teach others to do so too.

Therefore, I choose myself first.


There are always exceptions,

but I choose myself first.​


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